
Electronic Marketing

  E-marketing is the mix of modern communication technology and traditional principles that marketers usually apply. When we talk about modern communication technology, this is electronic media, more known as the internet (in the realm of e-marketing, the terms of online marketing and internet marketing are usually interchangeable). E-marketing focuses on marketing your company online. You may use direct or indirect marketing features on the internet to connect your company to new customers, retain present customers, and build a brand identity. E-marketing, through online tools and resources, can be used by your company via direct emails, blogs, SMS or text messaging, web pages, videos, banners, pictures, advertisements (like pay per click, display or social media advertising), search engine optimization, social media, affiliate marketing, and many more. Although there are many tools used in e-marketing, you can choose to go into many or all of its activities, according to your company

Data Science

  Data Science Data science combines the scientific method, math and statistics, specialized programming, advanced analytics, AI, and even storytelling to uncover and explain the business insights buried in data. What is data science? Data science is a multidisciplinary approach to extracting actionable insights from the large and ever-increasing volumes of data collected and created by today’s organizations. Data science encompasses preparing data for analysis and processing, performing advanced data analysis, and presenting the results to reveal patterns and enable stakeholders to draw informed conclusions. Data preparation can involve cleansing, aggregating, and manipulating it to be ready for specific types of processing. Analysis requires the development and use of algorithms, analytics and AI models. It’s driven by software that combs through data to find patterns within to transform these patterns into predictions that support business decision-making. The accuracy of these pred

Web Development

  Web development  refers to the building, creating, and maintaining of websites. It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. It is the creation of an application that works over the internet i.e. websites. The word Web Development is made up of two words, that is: Web:  It refers to websites, web pages or anything that works over the internet. Development:  Building the application from scratch.   Web Development can be classified into two ways: Frontend Development Backend Development Frontend Development:  The part of a website that the user interacts directly is termed as front end. It is also referred to as the ‘client side’ of the application. Frontend Roadmap: HTML : HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design the front end portion of web pages using markup language. It acts as a skeleton for a website since it is used to make the structure of a website. CSS :  Cascading Style Sheets fondly referred to as


What is freelancing and how does it work? Freelancing is when a self-employed person offers paid services to their clients. Freelancers work for themselves and contract out their services to one or more clients. There are now more than  57 million freelancers  in the U.S.  – that’s 35% of the U.S. workforce. And in 2019, freelancing income nearly totaled $1 trillion, which is almost 5% of the GDP. Some of those 57 million freelancers freelance full time, similar to someone working a traditional 40-hour workweek. Others freelance as a side hustle in their spare time so they can bring in a little extra cash. The ability to freelance as either a full-time job or side hustle is one of the reasons so many more people are freelancing– it’s inherently flexible and opens up a lot of opportunities. You can make a full-time income as a freelancer or do it to relieve some financial stress, pay down debt, save for retirement, or just have a little extra spending money each month. Some freelancers